The Design Argument: It's basis in observation

  • Created by: Jordan64
  • Created on: 13-08-17 17:17
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  • Paley's Design Argument: It's basis in observation
    • Paley's argument is inductive
      • The premises of the Design argument provides evidence to persuade, but not prove it's conclusion
    • Paley's argument is Aposteriori
      • The evidence for the Design argument is based on sense experience and observation of the world around us
    • Paley's argument is based on three key observations
      • Paley's argument is Aposteriori
        • The evidence for the Design argument is based on sense experience and observation of the world around us
      • Complexity
        • Paley looks at the complexity of biological organisms and organs, such as the eye
        • Observes the complexity of the laws of nature by which everything is governed
      • Order
        • Observes regularity of astronomical objects and the seasons of the year
        • Complexity
          • Paley looks at the complexity of biological organisms and organs, such as the eye
          • Observes the complexity of the laws of nature by which everything is governed
      • Purpose
        • Observes the machines we make and infers the were built for a purpose
        • Order
          • Observes regularity of astronomical objects and the seasons of the year
        • The complexity & regularity of a watch implies it has a purpose, even if we don't know what it is
        • Observation of the complexity and regularity of the world implies the world too has a purpose
    • The formulation of the argument itself from the observations
      • 1. Some objects show clear evidence that they were designed
        • This is because they show complexity and regularity, form which we can infer they were made for a purpose
        • 2 The universe appears to exhibit complexity and regularity, from which we can infer it was made for a purpose
          • 3. So it is likely the Unvierse was designed
      • Paley's argument is based on three key observations
        • Purpose
          • Observes the machines we make and infers the were built for a purpose
          • The complexity & regularity of a watch implies it has a purpose, even if we don't know what it is
          • Observation of the complexity and regularity of the world implies the world too has a purpose


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