STRESS- managing stress

brief details to jog your memory of all the studied within the managing stress section.



Aim: He compared standard behavioural methods with cognitive ones.

Method: Field experiment. Pp's put into 3 groups, SIT, standard desensitisation, control. Each tested using anxiety questionnaire and grade averages before and after treatment. Blind condition & matched pairs. All given 8 therapy sessions and control told they were on a waiting list.

Results: Performance in tests in SIT group improved most on questionnaire although both improved over control group.

Conclusion: SIT is an effective way of reducing anxiety in students.

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BUDZYNSKI ET AL- behvaioural biofeedback

Aim: To see if biofeedback techniques work and help reduce tension headaches.

Method: Data collected using EMG also given psychometric test for depression. Group a had biofeedback training, group b biofeedback training with false feedback, group c used as control group. All kept diary of headaches for two weeks.

Results: Group a's muscle tension was significantly lower than other two groups, reports of headaches also fell.

Conclusion: Biofeedback is an effective way to reduce stress levels.

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WAXLER-MORRISON ET AL- social relationships and ca

Aim: To look at how women’s social relationships influence response to breast cancer.

Method: Quasi-experiment using questionnaires and some interviews and examination of medical records. Questionnaire included questions on their social network e.g children. Survival and recurrence rates were checked in medical records.

Results: 6 aspects of social networking were significantly linked to survival. Martial status, support from friends, contact with friends, total support, social network and employment. Married women who tended to survive reported supportive spouses.

Conclusion: The more social networks and support the higher the chance of survival.

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