Some ladies dress in muslin


Some ladies - part 1

"Some ladies dress in muslin full and white"

Higher classes dress to show off their wealth. Religion would view this as a sin. The word "full" implies an excess suggesting that this is unneeded and wrong (religious/victorian reader view). However, "white" symbolising purity/innocence implies that endulging in wealth and earthly desires is not sinful (modern reader view).

"Some gentlemen in cloth succinct and black"

Same explanation as first line except "black" replaces "white". Implies that women need to uphold a pure outer appearence and should not indulge in earthly pleasure ( should remain submissive in Victorian society). Victorian society tends to turn a blind eye for the actions of men.

"Some patronise a dog cart, some a hack"

Repition of "some" emphaises the disdainful tone of the text and the speakers distaste for people who flaunt wealth.

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Some ladies - part 2

"Youth is not always a pleasing sight"

Implies that society should focus less on outer apperances as looks fade, what is most important is focusing on religion and God. Victorian notion that devotion and renunciation on earth will lead to an eternal life with God in heaven. Critical tone.

"Towering abover her sex with horrid height"

This metaphor plays into Victorian notion that women should be submissive and repressed inorder to maintain natural order. Alleteriation emphaises this.

"If all the world..."

Conditional tense implies that the speaker believes social cleansing is a proposition/ way to mend society that she views as broken and too focused on material wealth.

"Certain old ladies dressed in girlish pink, with roses and geraniums on their gown"

What is mentioned is sterotypically assosiated with feminity. The imperative of final line implies a sense of urgency.

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Some ladies - structure

Octet depicts a society that is increasingly materialistic, individualistic, consumerist. Shows how world is converned with material goods/ possesion

Sestet - In a traditional patrachan sonnet the sestet is supposed to show a resolve to the poem. This sestet instead implies that a social cleansing will fix the problem of consumerism. The reversal of this tradition shows how the speaker is feeling a lack of compassion and isolated from their society.

The volta - biblical refernce to noahs ark - suggesting that women who lack religious idealsneed to be left behind - like in the ark - in order to build a better society.

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