Social/emotional childhood development

  • Created by: Steff06
  • Created on: 28-04-17 08:56

Attachment and criticisms

4 attachment styles:

  • 1. SECURE (65%) Type B: Caregiver facilitates exploration. Separation is disturbing, seeks comfort doing reunion. Responsive parenting, sensitive, supportive.
  • 2. INSECURE-AVOIDANT (20%) Type A: Little distress on separation, doesn't avoid stranger. Doesn't seek proxmity to mother, parenting is rejecting and less responsive.
  • 3. INSECURE-RESISTANT (12%) Type C: Doesn't explore, anxious  cries prior to separation. Intense distress-separation, not soother by mother's return + inconsistent parenting.
  • 4. INSECURE-DISORGANISED (2%) Type D: Unusual/disorientated behaviour, can't hande stressful situations. Dozed, frightened or depressed in presence of mother. Neglectful/abusive.

Criticisms of theory: a. Cultural differences   b. Insecure-avoidant may be independent (day care)

Different attachment figures:

  • Attachment to father and siblings
  • Some correlation, not perfect
  • Measures aspect of relationship and not property of child
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Attachment development and recognition

Development of attachment:

  • PRE-ATTACHMENT (0-2m) = Non-discriminant/social responsiveness
  • ATTACHMENT PROGRESSING (2-7m) = Recognises familiar people
  • CLEAR-CUT ATTACHMENT (7-24M) = Protects separation, stranger anxiety
  • GOAL-CORRECTED PARTNERSHIP (24M) = Reciprocal (recognises parent's needs)

Recognition of emotions:

3 months - prefer smiling to neutral expressions. Social referencing -> Eye contact with mother who smiles to reassure baby. Moderates own emotional state.

Recognition of self:

Not aware they are an individual. Don't know they have their own perceptions. Mirror test used to test perceptions. Visual recognition to indicate self-concept.

Lorenz's Goslings: Imprint on 1st moving object. Monotropic bond between baby and mother

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Smiling, Ainsworth

Attachment 6-12m: Selective, proximity seeking, provide comfort and security, cry on separation

Bowlby criticisms: Findings apply to geese, worked with traumatised kids, no controls, politics


  • 1. REFLEXIVE: From birth, independent of emotins, basis of internal cause unknown
  • 2. SOCIAL smile: Responsive to positive stimuli, 3-8 weeks, elicited by external stimuli/faces
  • 3. LAUGHTER: 4 months, elicited by social interaction, laughs at own behaviour

Ainsworth's strange situation: Mother and stranger takes turns coming and leaving

Mothers present facilitated exploration. When mother is absent, decreased exploration, increased attachment. Separation increased searching behaviour

Maccoby, 1980: Secure infants are...

a. Socially skilled     b. Empathic    c. Curious    d. Compliant    e. Problem solvers    f. Self-directed

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Rouge test, Fantz, Harlow

Rouge test: Bertenthal & Fisher, 1978:

Place dab of rouge on infant's nose + place them infront of mirror. Awareness of red spot develops between 15-24 months where they will try to wipe it off themselves rather than the mirror.

Fantz: Recognition, significance of faces:

Early preference for faces, prefer complex images and symmetry. Infant's distinguish mother's face from others. Early recognition of familiar faces is based on external contours of the face - couldn't distinguish between mother and stranger if only internal features were shown.

Harlow's monkeys: Spend as much time with flannel mother as they did with feeding one, showing they need emotional sustenence and physical comfort as a primary need.

Comparative psych: Rhesus monkeys

Ethology: Lorenz bird imprinting

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