Social Factors that Affect Development


Social Factors that Affect Development

Being part of a family can help you to develop in the following ways:

  • Forming your first emotional relationships and attachments
  • Providing your first experiences of social interaction
  • Influencing your view of what is expected of you in social settings and what is normal or socially acceptable behaviour
  • Proving a setting that meets your physical needs for protection, food, shelter and warmth
  • Supporting each other emotionally and protecting family members from stress
  • Helping each other financially or practically, for example, families may support older relatives
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Family Dysfunction

  • Some families are unable to conform to the social norms expected, which prevents the family from forming its expected functions
  • A dysfunctional family is a family that's not providing all of the support and benefits with being in a family 
  • Family members display negativity towards each other 
  • Abuse may happen
  • Sibling rivalry 
  • Use of coercion and blame
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Reasons for Family Dysfunction

  • Parents perpetuate their own dysfunctional upbringing 
  • Untreated mental illness in one or more family members
  • Alcohol/drug abuse by one or more family members 
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What is the impact of being part of a Dysfunctiona

Members may have a negative self-image and a low self-esteem and have difficulty building friendships and relationships

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Possible Effects of Parental Divorce or Separation

  • Loneliness
  • Isolation
  • Guilt- blaming themselves
  • Health problems
  • Lack of focus e.g. at school
  • Mental health problems 
  • Psychological problems
  • Increased likelihood of drug/ alcohol abuse 
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Parenting Styles

  • Baumind identified 3 different parenting styles that she felt could contribute to the overall development of children:
  • Authoritative- children are accepted for who they are. There is mutual love and respect. Children are often self-controlled, confident with high self-esteem. 
  • Authoritarian- Parents assert their authority. Children are controlled. Children may have poor social skills and a low self-esteem.
  • Permissive- Parents are indulgent. They do not attempt to control behaviour. Children may be self-confident, impulsive and have difficulty building friendships.
  • Disengaged/Uninvolved- Parents are neglected and show a lack of interest. There is poor attachment. Childtrn may have low confidence, a low self-esteem and hide their emotions. 
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  • Bullying has negative effects for everyone involved: the bully, the victim and any onlookers. 
  • Bullying can take different forms:
  • Verbal- shouting, nasty comments, spreading rumours. 
  • Emotional- manipulation, blackmail, ignored/isolation.
  • Physical- hitting, kicking, punching.
  • Cyber bullying- online, comments, revenge ****, fake profile. 
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Effects of Bullying

Short Term:

  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Inability to cope with life events 
  • Poor self-image 
  • Poor self-esteem
  • Eating disorders 
  • Withdrawel from school work and activities

Long Term:

  • Difficulties in forming relationships
  • Poor academic achievement
  • Substance abuse
  • Self-harm
  • Increased risk of suicide
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