so what changes the rate of movement across the cell membrane ? AS Biology

hope they help !


what changes the rate for duffusion and facillicat

  • the concentration gradient so how differently concentrated the two solutions are the one in the cell and the one out of the cell
  • the size of the particle travelling across the cell surface membrane if they are small they move quickly
  • how charged this particle is ( simple diffusion )
  • the surface area on which the particle can diffuse
  • the distance between the 2 regions of varying concentration
  • the temperature , if diffusions happens at a slightly higher temperature then the particle have a bit more kinetic energy which will allow more diffusion to happen.
  •  how thin the memebrane is
  • how many protiens there are ( facillitated diffusion)
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  • the concentration gradient so how differently concentrated the two solutions are the one in the cell and the one out of the cell
  • the size of the particle travelling across the cell surface membrane if they are small they move quickly
  • how charged this particle is ( simple diffusion )
  • the surface area on which the particle can diffuse
  • the distance between the 2 regions of varying concentration
  • the temperature , if diffusions happens at a slightly higher temperature then the particle have a bit more kinetic energy which will allow more diffusion to happen.
  • how thin the memebrane is
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Active tranport/ endo and exocytosis

these 3 processes require energy in order for them to happen , this energy comes from ATP produced by respiration , so anything that affects the rate of respiration will also affect these processes

  • oxygen concentration
  • concentration gradient
  • respitory inhibitors
  • temperature / ph ( as it could denature the protein)
  • how thin the membrane is
  • surface area
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