Exam Technique

Exam technique for part A questions

  • Created by: mooolie
  • Created on: 17-01-15 16:52

Part A

What's the question like?

Understand the sources

Explain how much they agree with an argument based on:

  • WHAT they argue
  • How RELIABLE and USEFUL they are as evidence


Cross-reference the sourses - which agree and which disagree

Give your argument

Paragraph 1: Argue which sources AGREE with the question and HOW FAR they agree

Pick the source that agrees the MOST

EXPLAIN HOW it agrees

BACK UP with info from the other sources

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Part A

EVAULUATE how much weight the source has by considering things such as usefulness, origin, provenance and purpose

Paragraph 2: Argue which sources DISAGREE with the question and HOW FAR they agree

Select the source that disagrees the MOST and CROSS REFERENCE to give reasons why it disagrees to COMPARE

EVAULUATE how much weight the source has by considering things such as usefulness, origin, provenance and purpose

Reach a JUDGEMENT on HOW FAR the source is against the question


Sum up HOW FAR the sources agree

WEIGH UP evidence

Use MEASURING WORDS such as totally, completely, significantly, some what, a little, to an extent, etc...

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Part B

Introduction: CROSS REFERENCE the sources and exaplain which AGREE and which DISAGREE

Give your line of ARGUMENT

Part 1: First paragraph

Consider the sources that AGREE

Exaplin the MESSAGE of the sources that agree 

Use your OWN KNOWLEDGE to support 

EVAULUATE things such as usefulness, origin, provenance and purpose (PURPLE)

LINK back to the question

Part 2: Second and third paragraphs (that both challenge the first)

Select a source that DISAGREES

EXPLAIN HOW they disagree, incorporating small quotes from the sources, CROSS REFERENCING

Develop using your OWN KNOWLEDGE

EVAULUATE things such as usefulness, origin, provenance and purpose (PURPLE)

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Part B

CHALLENGE the secondary sources

LINK back to the question



Use MEASURING WORDS such as totally, completely, significantly, some what, a little, to an extent, etc...

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ANALYSE = Explain / use knowledge



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