Sales Forecasting


What is Sales Forecasting?

The art of predicting future demand by anticipating future trends.

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  • Production 
  • Targets
  • HR
  • Financial
  • Purchases
  • Promotion
  • Resources
  • Budgets
  • Cashflow
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  • Decisions
  • Seasonal variation
  • No suprises
  • Planning
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  • Inaccurate data
  • Past isn't always a guide
  • Peer pressure
  • External
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External Factors

  • Economic
  • Consumer
  • Competition
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Extends past evidence into the future.

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Market Research

Predict sales and change prediction depending on the country.

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Direct Sales

Asks the people closest to the product.

Tests consumer responses pre-release.

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Leading Indicators

Changes in the economy and markets that indicate future chnages in a firms' market.

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Time series

Uses past sales to predict future sales.

Not useful for long term predictions.

Includes seasonal/trend/cycle/random

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Cheap but requires experience.

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Expert opinion

Gives specialised insight but can be bias.

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Encourages creative thinking but requires a variety of people and is often subjective.

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Delphi - How does it work?

1. Panel answers questionnaire.

2. Second questionnaire is created based on the results of the first.

3. Panel answers second questionaire.

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Delphi - Advantages

  • Expert consensus
  • Flexible use
  • Not rushed
  • Structured group
  • Creates a record
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Delphi - Disadvantages

  • Time consuming
  • Assumes experts are willing to come to a consensus
  • Bribes would cause bias
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