Sales Forecasting

  • Created by: Izzie
  • Created on: 08-05-17 09:21
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  • Sales Forecasting
    • It's predicting future sales volume and trends
    • Purpose of it is...
      • Finance
        • Inform cash flow forecasts
        • Predict sales volume & revenue
        • Budgeting
      • People
        • Plan workforce needs
      • Marketing
        • Identify when promotions needed
      • Resource management
        • Required levels of output
        • Stock management
    • Factors affecting sales forecasts
      • Consumer trends
      • Economic variables
        • Interest rate
        • Employment
        • Consumer confidence
        • Stage in economy
      • Actions of competitors
    • Difficulties in sales forecasting
      • Time frame
      • Changing external environment
      • Unpredictable events
      • Past isn't a clear indication of future
      • Untitled


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