Religious attitudes to the Elderly and Death


Key Terms!!

Ageism; prejudice and discrimination against the elderly

The Generation Gap; the difference in ideas and perception between people of different generations

Sanctity of Life; all life is special

Quality of Life; how good someone's life is

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The Elderly

Problems faced by the Elderly;

  • Loneliness
  • Poverty (state pension and state benefits can cause this)
  • Illness
  • Immobile (more dependent on others)
  • May feel worthless to society (unable to make a contribution to society)

Caring for the Elderly;

  • Care homes
  • Living with family
  • Living independently
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Religion on the Elderly


  • Christians support the Elderly, they should be respected and are vulnerable
  • 'Love your neighbour' Jesus
  • 'Honour your father and your mother' (5th commandment Exodus)
  • They brought us into the world


  • One of the five daily duties (Pitri Yajna) is to serve and care for parents and the elderly, who makes up one of the 5 sections of society given special respect
  • The eldest son is responsible for taking care of elderly parents
  • Caring for Elderly causes good karma 
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The Hospice Movement

Hospice is a special place to which people go to die with dignity.

  • Provide help for the dying
  • Can die in dignity in a familiar place, around loved ones
  • When someone is dying they can't be cured - only cared for
  • Aims; To care for family/to educate people in looking after the dying/to care for patients well being/ to relieve physical symptoms

Examples of Hospices;

  • St Anne's
  • St Christopher's
  • Josie's Dragonfly Trust (for children)

{Can use as an example of Euthanasia}

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Religion on Death


  • If they were good in life, they will go to heaven (eternal paradise)
  • If they were bad in life, they will go to hell (eternal punishment)
  • Christians believe in the physical resurrection of the body


  • Hindus believe in reincarnation (the cycle of rebirth is called Samara)
  • The soul (atman) lives through many life times, each life is shaped by the karma in previous lives
  • If you achieve good karma throughtout several life times you will break from Samsara. This 'break' is referred to as Moksha, All Hindus strive to break from this cycle.
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Why do we have Funerals?

  • to show respect to the dead
  • celebrate the life of those who are now dead
  • black is a sign of mourning, which is why it is worn to funerals
  • hopeful for an afterlife in heaven (Christianity)
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The word Euthanasia means 'gentle death'. The intention of euthanasia is to assist a person who is suffering and perhaps close to death by giving them sufficient medication to kill them. In Britain, Euthanasia is illegal because it could be seen as assisting someone to take their own life (suicide), which is in breach of the Suicide Act 1961. Others believe that people should have some control over when their own life ends.

There are 3 types of Euthanasia. All illegal in Britain, but Voluntary and Non-Voluntary are performed in some countries, e.g, Switzerland

  • Voluntary Euthanasia; the person asks a doctor to end their life
  • Non-Voluntary Euthanasia; the person is too ill to ask but it is believed to be in their best interests
  • Involuntary Euthanasia; as happened in Nazi Germany, disabled and sick people were killed without consultation

If Euthanasia happens it can be Passive (either where the dose of a pain-killing drug/or where treatment is withheld because all it is doing is delaying the natural process of dying) and Active (withholding treatment with the deliberate intention of ending life or giving a drug that will end life)

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Religion on Euthanasia


  • Life is sacred because it is created by God (sanctity of life)
  • Hospice movement is seen as the compassionate way to help those who are dying
  • I, you God, give life and I take it away (Old Testament)
  • 'Thou shall not kill'


  • We should live through suffering as it is a result of bad karma and so is punishment 
  • Ahimsa = bringing no harm to anyone
  • Compassion and respect are key principles in Hinduism
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