

Purpose - Job Description & Person Specification

Job Description

  • It defines the main duties and responsibilities of the job
  • this means info contained is used to write the job ad / to ensure the employer and employee are clear abouth what the employee is expected to do / to act as a reference document.
  • DETAILS : title of job, location, list of main duties & responsibilities, date of issue

Person Specification

  • Is drawn up after the job description and identifies characteristics of an ideal applicant for the job
  • this means info contained is used to write job ad / by interview panel to compare applicants during selection proccess.
  • DETAILS : personal qualities, knowledge, qualifications, skills
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Selection Documents (1)

Application Form 


  • The form contains the exact information required by the employer as the employer will design the layout and the specific areas they would like addressed.
  • It allows the employer to compare candidates more accurately as a layout is given. It helps with shortlisting which can save time 


  • Takes time to sift through the information and compare candidates.
  • May contain false information, e.g. qualifications so the wrong candidate could be taken to interview.
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Selection Documents (2)

Curriculum Vitae (CV)


  • it shows all details of the applicant’s education, qualifications and experience in a summary format which is usually east to work from and shortlist as it is concise.
  • it shows suitability of the candidate as it will include qualifications and experience which helps with short listing candidates


  • Does not prove how good they are at the job unlike testing.Takes time to sift through the information and compare candidates
  • May be written by another person so level of written communication skills cannot be assessed. May contain false information, e.g. qualifications so the wrong candidate could be taken to interview.
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Selection Documents (3)



  • It shows the level of an applicant’s oral communication skills which could be vital for a job eg working with staff and dealing with customers as it promotes two-way conversation
  • It allows the employer to check information on the application form by questioning applicants on their experience and how they would deal with certain elements of the job.


  • It can be intimidating so the applicant may become nervous 
  • they can be very time consuming: setting up, interviewing, transcibing, analysing, feedback, reporting 
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Selection Documents (4)

Application Letter


  • Shows the level of the applicant’s written communication skills as they will have to structure a letter and include relative paragraphing of information on why they are applying to the job and how they are suited for the role. 
  • Helps with short-listing as they can gain an idea of experience and qualifications of the applicant to shorten down to interview stage rather than interviewing all applicants which could be even more time consuming.


  • Does not prove how good the applicant would be as a manager as it doesn’t show their work in practice and level of skill.
  • May not contain exact information required unlike an application form which has specific sections making it difficult to compare letters. 
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Selection Documents (5)


practical tests are used for manual jobs where the applicant is asked to undertake a piece of work which would test the level of skills required for the job.

Psychometric tests are used for management level positions being filled and provide a description of the personality of the applicant and the results are compared with the person specification.


  • shows the level of the applicant’s practical skills
  • to verify information on application form.


  • applicant could become nervous under test conditions
  • can be very time consuming
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Responsibilities of Employee + Employer (1)


  • Both parties are expected to be completely honest with each other e.g. employer must describe the working conditions accurately and the applicant must not omit any relevant information or include any false information when applying.


  • Both parties are expected to be completely without prejudice with each other, e.g. neither employer or applicant must be influenced by the other’s race, religion, politics or social background.
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Responsibilities of Employee + Employer (2)


  • Both parties are expected to be completely fair with each other, e.g. employer must give each applicant an equal length of interview and must ask the same questions and the applicant must be fair by giving all relevant information to the employer


  • Both parties must treat all information learned about the other as strictly confidential, e.g. employer must not talk about the personal details of the applicant and the applicant must not disclose any details about the business.
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