PY1 Assumptions

Revision cards for the four assumptions :)


"Outline two assumptions of the behavourist approa

*behaviour can be explained in terms of classical conditioning.

- Getting new behaviours through association

- Pavalov study; the food was the unconditioned stimulus and the salivation was the unconditioned response, during the process of conditioning a neutral stimulus which is the bell occurs. At the end of the trials the bell is now the conditioned stimulus because it produces the conditioned respsonse of salivation.

*behaviour can be explained inn terms of operant conditioning.

- We aquire new behaviours through reinforcement

- Positive reinforcement: given treats and is rewarded

- Negative reinforcement: given punishment

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"Outline two assumptions of the biological approac

* Behaviour can be explained in terms of the brain

- different parts of teh brain have been identified to perform a particulkar function

- E.g Of the four lobes, the frontal lbe controls personality

* Behaviour can be explained in terms of hormones

- biochemical substances that are circulated round the body to have an effect on target organs

- E.g testosterone a mael hormone, is said to make males have more aggressive qualities

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"Outline two assumptions of the cognitive approach

* comparing the mind to a computer

- 3 features of human behaviour:

input (information is take in), process ( change or store information) and output ( realling the information when necessary).

- E.g the multistore memory

* Psychology as a science

- Measure internal processes to prove or disprove a hypothesis

- What people express externally may not be a treu insight to the behaviour/ processes happening internally

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Outline two assumptions of the psychodynamic appro

* Behaviour can be explaine in terms of 3 partos of the mind

- These are: The id (impulsive and selfish), the ego ( rational) and the superego ( moral)

- ego strength is how welll these three parts can work together

* behaviour can be explained in terms of childhood experiiences

- the majority of our adult behaviour is highly influenced by our childhood

- An example of this is because we can repress traumas that are expressed later in life

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