Psychology - Stress Module

Cards on the stress module. these inclusde the HPA and SAM system, sources of stress, Stress and the immune system, stress in the workplace, Personality types, Stress coping strategies and Stress management techniques.  

  • Created by: Sophie
  • Created on: 18-03-11 11:46


What is the HPA system response?

What type of stressor is it for?

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Stressor ( Hypothalamus ( Stimulates the pituitary glands ( Release ACTH( Stimulates Adrenal Cortex ( Release Corticosteroids ( releases energy and the immune system is repressd.

It is the stress response for Chronic (Long Term) stressors.

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What is the SAM system response?

What type of stressor is it for?

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Stressor ( Hypothalamus ( Stimulates the Adrenal Medulla ( Hormone adrenaline and Noradrenaline released ( Gets the body ready for fight or flight ( Physiological reactions, e.g increased heart rate.

It is the stress response for Acute (Short Term) stressors.

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Stress and the immune system

Outline Kiecolt Glaser et al's study related to stress and the immune system.

What were their results and what can does this show?

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Stress and the Immune System

Kiecolt Glaser et al conducted a study on medical students in their first year during their exams. They took blood samples before and during their exams and compared the level of T cell activity in the blood.

Their results showed that the levels of T cell activity significantly decreased during the exams than before the exams. This shows that stress decreases the immune function and makes you more vulnerable to illnesses.

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Coping with stress

Outline the two approaches to coping with stress.

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Coping with stress

Problem focused coping - Deals with the problem itself for example by supressing competing activities and only focusing on the problem itself.

Emotion Focused Coping - Deals with emotions caused by stress, e.g. denail, wishful thinking. It can be both positive or negative.

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