Psychology - Making sense of other people

First unit of Psychology GCSE



Process of encoding, storage and retrieval

Encoding - information is changed or *encoded* so it can be stored.

Storage - the encoded information is stored so it can be retrieved later from the memory.

Retrieval - getting the information back from storage in the memory

Unendoded information is only held for a few second in the Sensory memory this information is stored in its original form. (Visual is stored as images, Speech is stored as Sound)

Encoded information from the sensory memory, 5-9 things stored for 30 second Short term memory


Aim: wanted to investigate free recall and its effect on a person's memory

Method: He gave participants a number of words to remember and he asked them to recall as many as possible in order

Results: The participants recalled the words they heard last frist(the recency effect); this is evidence the last words they heard were stored in there short term memory, the participants recalled what they heard first last (primacy effect)

Conclusion: When we are asked to recall, we say the last thing we heard and say the first things we heard last because they have been encoded into the long term memory

#evaluation: Multistore model provides a simple description of memory processes, it only really applies to telephone numbers

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