Practical Skills- ENVS3

Without good data collected by practical investigations it would not be possible to plan our use of energy resources or understand pollution and how it can be controlled.

  • Created by: laura
  • Created on: 25-05-11 10:57

Solar Power

Angle of incidence:

  • Measured using card with pencil syuck on at 90 degrees to the card
  • Pencil must cast no shadow
  • Orentation of card measured with protracter and compass

Light Scatter:

  • measured using directional light meter
  • light readings taken at different angles to the sun (same equipment used to measure angle of incidence)

Light Intensity:

  • measured using electronic light meter
  • Can use camera with required shutter speed at a fixed aperture
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Wind Power

Wind Velocity:

  • Ideal location where wind velocity is high
  • Doubling wind velocity increases available power eight-fold

Local Factors investigated

  • distance from ground
  • topography
  • aspect in relaton to prevailing winds
  • nearby trees or buildings
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Hydroelectric Power

Water available for use:

  • Precipitation
  • Evaporation
  • Transpiration

Residual amount- affceted by climate

Investigations on evaporation:

  • temperature
  • wind velocity
  • humidity
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Rate of Heat Loss

rate of heat loss- heat energy added to maintain constant temp

  • Thermal Insulation
  • Volume

standarised factors:

  • Material objects are made of
  • 3D shape- ensures surface area:volume ratio is constant
  • colour- darkness and texture of the surface
  • Experimental conditions (room temp, air movements, contact with other materials and surfaces)

Calculated using specific heat capacity and temp of materials used

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