Poor housing conditions


Features of Poor Housing

  • Leaks
  • A lack of facilities
  • Mould
  • No furniture 
  • Dust/ Asbestos 
  • Lack of safety
  • Smells (drainage)
  • Infestations
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Features Affecting The Home and The Immediate Envi

  • Old windows/ doors
  • Poor structure 
  • Old materials 
  • Plumbing systems- sanitation 
  • Pollution
  • Flood plain
  • Waste land
  • Weather
  • Tower blocks 
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Poor Housing Conditions

  • Poor quality housing is linked with poor health and quality of life
  • Approx. 4.5 million households in the UK are experiencing full poverty 

Living in poor housing increases the risk of:

  • Respiratory and cardiovascular disease
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Overcrowding may limit access to washing, cleaning and cooking facilities
  • Indoor pollution ( drying clothes, poor ventilation etc.) can lead to respiratory problems
  • Infections are spread in overcrowded conditions
  • Lack of outdoor space impacts on health 
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  • Poor ventilation/ damp mould would lead to respiratory disorders 
  • Poor sanitation/ vermin would lead to a risk of infection
  • Overcrowding would lead to anxiety/ depression
  • Lack of outdoor space would lead to cardiovascular problems
  • Inadequate heating would lead to hypothermia 
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