Environmental Factors

  • Created by: Chlx3
  • Created on: 23-12-22 18:18
What are some poor housing conditions?
- Damp
-Structural issues
-Poor cleaning or cooking facilities
- Poor ventilation
- Poor sanitation
- Electrical faults
- Lack of green space
- Deprived areas
- Vandalised areas
1 of 10
What can damp housing conditions cause?
Respiratory disorders
2 of 10
What can overcrowding cause?
Cardiovascular problems due to having an impact on growth rate and causing an increase in heart disease
3 of 10
What can stress caused by poor housing lead to?
High blood pressure which causes an increase in risk for heart attack and stroke
4 of 10
What is the impact of poor housing/low income on diet?
Often rely on ready meals which are high in sugar, salt and saturated fats
This causes an increase in risk for cardiovascular problems
5 of 10
Why might poor hosing cause anxiety and depression?
- Stress of paying bills
- Fear of safety in the home (can cause disturbed sleep)
- Feeling of shame
- Bullying
- Lack of privacy (if overcrowded)
6 of 10
How does the local authority help provide H&SC services?
- Transport
- Suitable opening times
- Financial support
- Provide more support in schools and poorer areas
- Mobility support
- Healthy living centres
7 of 10
How could transport issues impact a person's health and wellbeing?
- May cause health deterioration is care isn't accessed
- Increased rates of anxiety and depression due to worry for health, money and having to rely on other family members
8 of 10
Why may some people not have access to healthcare?
- Unable to afford it (especially if going private so have to rely on NHS which has long waiting times)
- Appointment times may be when working
- Lack of staff or equipment 9especially in deprived areas)
- Geographical/transport issues
9 of 10
How can a lack of access to healthcare services be overcome?
- Extended GP hours
- Introduce more NHS Walk-in Centres, Healthy Living Centres and the NHS 111 service
- More funding for the NHS and staff recruitment
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What can damp housing conditions cause?


Respiratory disorders

Card 3


What can overcrowding cause?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What can stress caused by poor housing lead to?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the impact of poor housing/low income on diet?


Preview of the front of card 5
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