  • Created by: nelyas
  • Created on: 19-02-14 19:05


The rate of reaction measures how much product is formed in a fixed period of time.

units- g/s (grams per second) ,g/min (grams per minute), cm(3)/s (centimeter cubed per second), cm(3)/min (centimeter cuber per min)

The rate of reaction can be worked out from the gradient of a graph. gradient = y/x

The limiting reactant is the reactant not in excess that gets used up by the end of the reaction.

The amount of product formed in a reaction is directly proportional to the amount of the limiting reactant used.  

Reactions occur when particals collide together. 

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The rate of reaction depend on the number of collisions between reacting particals: the higher the number of collisions that take place, the faster the reaction.

The rate of reaction can be increased by:

Concentration increase - Increases particals become more crowded.This increases the number of collisions between reacting particals.

Temperature increase -  Particals gain kinetic energy which causes the particals to move faster so more successful collisions

Pressure increase - Forces particals closer together and increases collision frequency.

Explotation means making an estimate beyond the range of results.

Interpolation means making an estimate between the results in a range.

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