Narrative Criticism


Narrative Criticism 1

Evangelists; Story tellers. Gospels; Stories
Text centered criticism, concerned with text itself. Literary analysis; words/features/devices.
Literary skill of author; text constructed to affect reader. Text independent of authorship/readership.

Authours & Readers; distinguishes real & implied reader/author.
Real author indentity unknown and unimportant.
Implied authour through authors perspectives & views - image painted of author thru text.
Only concerned with PICTURE of author.
Real reader to whom text is addressed - Luke; THEOPHILLUS
Implied reader - what audience ideally fits the text.

Settings; physical, temporal or social.

Characters; protagonists & antagonists. Portrayal, author description & reaction of others influence readers view towards character. Sympathy/dislike.

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NC 2

Plot; Storyline "Action" - beginning middle end.
Sequence of related events driven by conflict - happy/tragic climax.
Luke - conflict Jesus & Jewish leaders. Tragic climax at crucifixion. 
Mini plots - parables & miracles. 

Arrangement of events - narrative space & time = importance.
Years summarised in one life vs. One day in great detail.
Slowing down of text = suspense. Repeated references = emphasis.

Salvation & prayer in Luke. Literary techniques; hyperbole & irony.

All methods used to affect the reader.

Only when we understand narrative will we understand the message.

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Not concerned with hypotethical pursuits - fresh view from historical criticisms which have many short comings. Looks holistically at text as a finished product rather than isolated paragraphs.

Aesthetic & emotional impact on reader
Shows weaknesses of detached critical views
Texts better appreciated through narrative word.
When the reader reads empathetically from author's view & perspective a better understanding can be grasped.

Rejects history; historical context unimportant despite Luke being the most historically concious evangelist. Gospels are HISTORY not just literary.

Despite positive attributions to the understanding of text, it must be complimented by other critical views as it cannot stand alone.

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