
overview ofstages of mitosis.


cell cycle

The cell cycle starts with intephase in which DNA is replicated, cyptoplasm and organelles grow.

The next phase is mitosis. this consist of 4 stages:

  •  prophase
  • metaphase
  •  anaphase
  • telephase

Cytokinesis is division of the cyptoplasm and may or maynot occur after the cell cycle. for example it doesnt occu in musclecells.

a key thing about mitosis is that it doesnt bring about genetic variation it merely leads to theproduction of 2 identical daughter cells.

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1st stage of mitosis. the following happens:

  • chromosomes condense and appear shorter and fatter.this enables the chromosomes to be more easily moved.
  • the nucleoli dissappear and the nuclear membrane breaks down
  • spindle apperatus appears( controll movement of chromosomes)
  • in late prophate the spindle apperatus move to opposite poles.
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the 2nd stageof mitosis:

  • centromeres of the chromosomes line up on the equator of the cell.
  • the centromeres divide
  • spindle apperatus is fully formed
  • one sister chromatid from each chromosome is attached to opposite microtubule at opposite poles

(microtubule is part of the spindle apparatus. sisterchromatids make up the chromosomes. 2 in each chromosome.)


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the 3rd stage of mitosis:

  • the centromeres separate
  • sister chromatids are pulled toopposite poles of the cell by the shortening of the spindle aperatus.
  • sister chromatids now referred to as daughter chromosomes.


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end stage:

  • 2 sets of daughter chromatids reach opposite poles
  • nuclei and muclear membrane reforms

2 identical nuclei are the product.

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