Mitigation and adaptation

How mitigation and adaptation strategies can be used to cope with climate change.

  • Created by: Rachel
  • Created on: 07-05-10 09:46

What are the choices?

The world is warming up at an alarming rate. What are we going to do about it? There are two types of polices to choose from: Mitigation & Adaptation.

Mitigation: This refers to policies which are designed to delay, reduce or prevent climate change caused by global warming. Examples of this is cutting CO2 emissions by:

  • Afforestation
  • Congestion charging
  • Increasing renewable energy

Adaptation: This refers to policies which are designed to reduce existing impact of global warming such as:

  • Protection from coastal erosion
  • Protection from flooding
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Why Mitigation?

Reasons to be pro mitigation policies:

  • Emissions have to be reduced immediatly if the world is to avoid irreversable climate change. Adaptation is a waste of time is emissions increase.
  • Adaptation policies are often supported by those who beleive in the 'fossil fuel society.' Unless someone challenges this change will never occur.
  • Carbon sinks can easily be acheived through goverment grants to encourage afforestation (tree planting)
  • There is public support in developed countries to cut emissions and use more renewable energy.
  • Cutting greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries is essential as economic growth leads to an increase in emissions.
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Why Adaptation?

Reasons to be pro adaptation policies:

  • It will take a long time to get all countries to agree to reduce carbon emissions so adaptation is necessary.
  • The amount of time it will take to reduce emissions means climate change will get worse before it gets better.
  • Climate change is already happening and this needs manaing now.
  • Even if all emissions ceased today the effects would still last for the next century so we will need to adapt.
  • The earth absorbs CO2 slowly so even with increased carbon sinks it will take a long time to absorb the excess
  • Keeping greenhouse gas emissions at current levels is unrealistic due to the economic growth in the BRIC countries so mitigation will not be acheived in time.
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Katie Craven


I found this really useful.

Thx 4 putting it up!

David Guest


its really good but the sound track, talking, was dodgy it was really distorted

Hartati Medina


"Cutting greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries is essential as economic growth leads to an increase in emissions."

Don't you mean 'developed countries'?

That is really bad -.-

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