Migration and Christianity


Christianity and migration


  • Many people migrate due to war, oppression (homosexuality laws) and they may want to move to the UK because of the economic prospects that provide a better lifestyle 
  • migration can be helpful for countries as it can bring in workers and enrich the population 

Christianity and migration 

  • many Christians support migrants because the bible supports it 
  • the story of Israel's faith shows Abraham and Sarahs calling to migrate to Canaan 
  • Jews were bullied and fled to Egypt "the alien who resides with you shall Be to you as the citizen among you"
  • the parable of the good samaritian shows we should treat others well regardless 


  • language barriers makes immigration chaplains necessary 
  • language barriers also interfere with the learning of catechisms 
  • differences between the styles of worship
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  • Pentacostalism has led to thousands of new churches in the UK and to the reversal of the severe decline of Christianity in many parts of the UK
  • pentecostalism is the belief in the strengths of the Holy Spirit and emphasises the experience of the worshipper e.g. reedemed christian church of God, jesus house  
  • they are non-liturgical meaning they do not follow set rules for worship or a written service. Such as, dancing and singing 
  • there are around 300 million Pentecostal churches around the world 

why are they not more integrated?

1.  worship differences 

2. Social support 

3. The uneven spread of immigration 

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The reverse mission movement

  • The idea that the countries that Christian's from the Uk first went to mission with are now coming back here to do the same thing 
  • this is because of the global shift of Christianity to the Southern Hemisphere and raising secularisaion in the UK

This can look like:

1. Short term visits of a group of non-British Christian's 

2. People coming to the UK to 'evangelise' and convert people 

3. Church in Britain with a high population of immigrants 

  • Rebecca Catto says reverse mission isn't working because due to the extreme resistance from the British population and problems with the culture as those not in the UK think we have bland food and grey weather 
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Do we need missions?


  • 'Secularisation thesis' - Britiain is becoming more secular. 1. People are not attending church 2. The church isn't as importAnt in public life anymore 3. A loss in personal faith
  • census shows from 2001 to 2011 there has been a increase in people saying they have no faith 
  • Christianity has the oldest age group out of all religions 
  • about 20 churches close each year and go up for sale 


  • there are a few 18-34 year olds who would call themselves Christian's that occasionally pray 
  • many evangeical churches are welcoming more growth that can be due to immigration.
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