Meetings during 1985-9

  • Created by: Abigail
  • Created on: 06-05-15 19:44

Geneva Summit

  • November 1985
  • Reagan and Gorbachev meet for the first time
  • important for establishing relations
  • nothing really agreed
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1986 Summit

  • held in October
  • held at Reykjavik
  • Gorbachev proposed phasing out the use of nuclear weapons
  • but would be at the cost of Reagan's SDI
  • it was refused
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Washington Summit

  • December 1987
  • deadlock broken with the signing of INF Treaty 
  • banned the use of intermediate-range ballistic missiles
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Moscow Summit

  • May-June 1988
  • Reagan and Gorbachev sign more complex details of the treaty
  • in December, Gorbachev meets Bush
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December 1989

  • Malta summit
  • first full summit between Gorbachev and Bush
  • nothing agreed
  • sustained relations
  • end of cold war
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