medicine and hospitals

how mary seacole and florence nightingale changed hospitals and medicine?


florence nightingale

Florence Nightingale in Scutari:

Arrived on 4 November 1854

Within six months she reduced the death rate from 40% to 2%

She was a national heroine when she returned in 1856

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Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale In Britain:

She made 2 major contributions to medicine- establishing nursing as a proper profession and suggesting ways in which hospitals could be better designed.

She raised 44,000 pounds to set up a nursing school.

For her, nursing was the most important weapon against disease.

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Florence Nightingale

Siting and designing of hospitals:

1863 she published 'Notes On Hospitals'

When St.Thomas' hospital was demolished she fought for the new hospital to be rebuilt in the healthy air of the countryside.

The new hospital had cross ventilation because she believed stagnant air bred disease.

Countries from all over the world consulted her about plans for new hospitals.

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