Todorov's five stages example

  • Created by: Tayra
  • Created on: 18-01-18 09:40

Todorov's first stage: The equilibrium

An equilibrium is the first stage of a film or TV show when everyone is content and the disruption hasn't arrived yet.

In one of the few stories in Pulp Fiction, the equilibrium would be where Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield are in a restaurant, having breakfast.

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Todorov's second stage: The disruption

The disruption is when something bad has happened and it puts the characters' happiness to a halt for a short while.

In Pulp Fiction, the disruption would be where Pumpkin and Hunny Bunny rob the restaurant and hold the customers at hostage.

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Todorov's third stage: Realisation

The realisation is where the characters acknowledge the disruption and chaos is unleashed.

In  Pulp Fiction, Jules holds the gun at Pumpkin after he confronted Jules, Hunny Bunny holds the gun at Jules and Vincent holds the gun at Hunny Bunny.

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Todorov's fourth stage: Restored order

The restored order happens when the main characters attempt to repair the disruption.

In Pulp Fiction, still keeping Pumpkin hostage, Jules reads a passage from the Bible (Ezekiel 25:17 in which he had memorised) and lets Pumpkin take his money.

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Todorov's final stage: New equilibrium

This is where the main characters have successfully resolved the disruption and a new equilibrium is introduced.

In Pulp Fiction, after teaching Pumpkin a valuable lesson and letting him take his money, Pumpkin and Hunny Bunny leave the restaurant together and shortly after, so do Jules and Vincent.

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Hi, this is my example of Todorov's five stages... I hope its helpful to those studying Media at GCSE level. To those of you who haven't seen Pulp Fiction or intend to watch it: WARNING! SPOILERS AHEAD!

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