Lord of the flies chapter 3 quotes


Chapter 3 quotes - huts on the beach

Chapter 3 is split into 3 different sections - Jack alone on the island (p.61-63) - Conversation between Ralph Jack and Simon (p.63-70) - Simon alone on the island (p70-72)

"ape-like" "dog-like" - Jack is going mental whilst hunting and is referred to as an animal that walkds on all fours and barks and is SAVAGE  

"Seductive, maddening - the promise of meat" - He's going crazy over the thought of killing and eating a pig.

It's almost as if he's gone back in time and is crawling around with a stick - part of Jack's agression is fear because he's afraid of the beast 

They discuss the huts and decide they aren't very good - Jack cares about hunting but Ralph prefers shelter - when discussing the beast "the two older boys flinched" - except Simon doesn't so we know he isn't afraid of it (it has no power over him)

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Chapter 3 quotes - huts on the beach

Simon is kind and helpful and gives Ralph a hand with the huts - the only one who does.

"Deep tan that glistened with sweat" - Jack is pale and peeling - however Simon is tanned and therefore is more in tune with nature

"The sounds of the birght fantastic birds" - Simon sees the beauty in nature on the island and Jack does not (the beast)

"He walked with an accustomed tread" - Simon is used to walking around in nature

"when he had satisfied them" - Simon gave food to the littl'uns - Jack is trying to KILL and Simon is trying to GIVE

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