Kant and Deontology

There is a likely chance that a question mixing Kant and deontology will appear so I made this revision card for it. I have added any weaknesses in red through out the cards.

Religious Studies, A2, Kant and Deontology, Edexcel, 2010



Deontology is similar to Kantian Ethics. They follow the Motive of Agent theory (Act itself is more important that the consequences.) They are both A Priori = theory based on reason

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Kant Key Features:

1) Reason- This is central to the theory. It is the ability to think rationally, logically and separate from personal circumstances to be truly fair. eg, teacher must be fair when marking exams regardless of feelings toward students. Reason is universal.

2) Good will- A universal moral must be good within itself or good without qualification. the only purely good thing is the good will. It concerns Motive and Intention and of the act and is done solely due to sake of duty.-- Although all rules must have exceptions

3) Categorical Imperative- This is always good and right in any circumstance (universal). It is also the basis of all moral laws. As morality does not depend on preference or crcumstances. This is what Kant ment by the Summam Bonum (the ultimate Goodness)--Although this is anachronistic (old and useless)

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Kant Key Features Cont:

3 Test for Catigorical Imperitives

  • Universalizability- Do not do anything that you don't want to be a law--this is leglistic
  • Formula of never using a human as a means to an end
  • Formula of a kingdom of needs- Everyone is part of a community and everyone is responsible for moral law in society
  • Free Will- Everyone is a free agent. Morality is based on reason (a priori)--Although this is too deterministic
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Kant and Deontology similarities and differences.

Kant Key Features-------------- Deontology Key features

Reason------------------------------ Rational Thought (Focus on what not to do)

Good Will-------------------------- God's will is Good, Summan Bonum

Categorical Imperatives--------God's laws are universal and inflexible (legalistic)

3 Tests------------------------------ Consequence is irrelevant (lead to injustice)

Free Will--------------------------- Free will t choose God, Motive is important to be good

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