John Williams - ET: Flying Theme (1982)

A2 Applied Works 2011 (Edexcel)

  • Created by: Joe
  • Created on: 22-06-11 11:09

Moods/Areas: FLYING I

- Legato melody

- Leaps:

  • First a 5th
  • Then an octave
  • Then a 6th
  • Then a 7th to the highest note of the phrase

- Strong use of tonic and dominant in melody

- Melody doubled in octaves - gives feeling of height

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Moods/Areas: FLYING II

- Ascending sequence with crescendo bars 42-45

- Accented passing notes in sequence

  • Sounds like spiralling higher (bar 32)

- Ascending harmonies in the B section (B-Eb-F#\: up in 3rds)

  • Bars 28-30

- Regular quavers - creating feeling of cycling/pedaling

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- Staccato quavers in the intro

- Regular phrasing&no changes in tempo (except ending) = continuous movmnt

- Sudden changes in dynamics brass bar 12

- Double dotted rhythm (double bar 30) = sound exciting

- Compression of Melody bar 32

- Use of suspended cymbal and timp rolls e.g. bars 32-33

  •  often with crescendos to build excitement

- Tremolo strings bars 46 / 48 / 51-52

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Moods/Areas: NIGHT

- Use of high tessitura - countermelody on flutes

                                        - bells bar 18 / 20 / 22 / 24 = stars

- Bells used at end bars 84-87

- Slash chord bar 82 (D/C)

  • Suggests night time / magic - resolves to C
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- Chromatic melody (B motif bar 25) - used in sequence bars 42-45

- Unrelated chords e.g. Eb-F#m-Dm-Bb (bars 29-31)

  • "fluid tonality"

- Diminished chord bar 54

- 3 bar phrases e.g. bars 29-31

  • interrupted 6 bar phrase bar 63-68

- Whole tone accented quavers bar 68

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- Dissonant Eb in C major triad bar 74 / 77

- Changing time signatures bar 69-end (less continuous movement)

- 2 beats of silence bar 73

- F# in melody bars 75-76 / 78-79 (part of Mixolydian on C)

- Some diatonic dissonances even in main theme sections

  • e.g. bar 15 (D-Eb-F#-A-C)
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Nice resource but the F# makes it Lydian mode, not mixolydian. Mixolydian has a flattened 7th (Bb).

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