How to Analyse a Character in a Prose Passage


What is a character like?

What are they like:

  • Personality traits
  • Relationships between characters
  • Realistic/Simple, Caricature
  • Serious, comic, other
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How is a character presented?

How are they presented:

  • First/third person narrative
  • Diction, syntax imagery, metaphor
  • Appearance
  • Dialogue between characters
  • Actions
  • What others say about them
  • Relation to the setting
  • Literal/Figurative description
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What is the role of a character?

The role they play:

  • Do they develop?
  • Do they contrast someone or something?
  • Are they presented in conflict?
  • Do they do anything surprising or unexpected?
  • What reaction do they invite from the reader?
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What is the significance of a character?

Their significance:

  • Do they illustrate a theme or motif?
  • Do they tell the reader anything about cultural context or values?
  • Is their gender an important issue?
  • Are they used in a figurative or symbolic manner?
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