Health and social care Unit 1


Genetic factor affecting development


Each living cell in the human body is made up of 23 pairs of chromosomes each

In each chromosome we have genetic material from both mother and father DNA. 

Each chromosome carries units of inheritence known as gene, and these genes interact to create a new set of instructions to make a new person. 

  • For example, genes determine your hair and eye colour or whether you will be short or tall. 
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Cystic fibrosis

Cystic Fibrsis

It is caused by a faulty gene thought to be carried by as many as 4 percent of the UK population. 

The gene is recessive, which means that both parents must be carriers for their child to develop cystic fibrosis.

This health issue reuslts in a dfective protein being produced that can cause the lungs to become clogged with thick, sticky mucus. 

People with CF have issues with nourishment from food and will suffer from respiriatory and chest infections. 

In past history, children with CF have lived a short life. However, contempory medical science has improved this and helped extend the lives of others as well as life expectancy. 

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Brittle bone disease

Brittle bone

This dissease can be passed from a person's parents, but it can also develop from a genetic mutation. 

Children who are born with this disease are at an increased risk of fracturing or breaking their bones easily. This is because their bones develop without the right amount or type of protein called collagen.

Children can be helped through physiotherapy, assitive equiptment and drug treatment to improve the strength of their bones.

This will affect everyday life as they are unable to get involved in physical activity. 

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Phenylketonuria (PKU)


PKU is a rare genetic disorder that prevents a child from breaking phenlylalinine, and amino acids (proteins)

If the child eats foods containg phenlylalinine, there is a build up of harmful substances in their body that damges their brain development. 

The condition cannot be cured.

All babies in the UK are screened at birth by heel-blood test. If a high level of is detected, treatment will begin instantly. They will be put on a special diet and medication to prevent any build-ups. 

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Huntington's Disease

Huntingtons DIsease

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Genetic disposition

Genetic Disposition

Means that you have an inherited gene that determines physical growth, development, health and apperance. 

However, a genetic predisposition does not means that it is certain you will develop the condition. It is proven that these conditions cant be altered.

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Klinefelter syndrome

Klinefelter Syndrome

It isn't easy to identify in small children, as the sign and symptoms aren't always apparent. 

It is estimated that 1 in 600 boys will be born with this condition, sometimes being referred to as XXY. 

This is not an inherited condition. 

The baby may be born with poor muscle power, undescending testicles, delayed communication and passive personallity can also be considered as a sign. 

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Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome

Is a genetic condition that occurs as a result of an extra chromosome. This condition causes carrying levels of learning diabilities. 

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