
Brazil - Geography


Development factors

There are many ways of comparing development between countries. These include:

GDP per capita ($ US). This is the total wealth produced by a country in a year, divided by the number of people. Quatar is 1st, Brazil is 75th

Life expectancy (Years). This is the number of years a new born baby can expect to live on average

Percentage of households with electricity (%).

There are many more factors available, some of which are more useful than others.

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Brazil's physical features

Brazil has two main physical features: Its rivers and its mountains.


There are lots of rivers in Brazil, but by far the biggest is the amazon. It is 6577km long, making it the second longest in the world, only to the nile. It has a HUGE basin of 5.8 million square km. Even though it has over 1000 tributaries, there is not one bridge over it! Other large rivers include the parana and the Sao Francisco.


Therea are only one range of mountains in Brazil: The Brazilian Highlands. They rise very sharply from the coast, forming a ***** of land forming The Great Escarpment. One of the highest (and most famous) is Sugar Loaf mountain, near Rio De Janeiro.

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