

  • Created by: Amy
  • Created on: 08-04-12 11:40

What is the definition of Hydraulic Action?

The force of water against the beds and banks of a river.

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What is the definition of Corrosion?

Acids in the water dissolve the bed and banks of the river.

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What is the definition of Attrition?

Material carried by the water 'bump' into each other and break down into smaller particles.

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What is the definition of Abrasion?

The river throws it's load against the river bed, resulting in erosion of the bed.

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What is the definition of Traction?

Bouders and pebbles are rolled along the river bed at times of high discharge.

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What is the definition of Saltation?

Sand sized particles are bounced along the river bed by the flow of water.

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What is the definition of Suspension?

Fine clay and sand particles are carried along within the water even at low discharge.

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What is the definition of Solution?

Some minerals dissolve in the water, such as Calcium Carbonate. This requires very little energy.

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What is a Meander?

A meander is made due to erosion in the outer bend (due to the high velocity of the water) of a river and deposition on the inner bend, creating a wave like shape.

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What features can you find in the upper course of

Vertical erosion

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