general adaptation syndrome



describe Selyes General Adaptation SYndrome (6marks)

selye 1956 proposed that in animals and humans, the body responds to a range of psychological and physical stressors. they follow the same physicalogical pattern of stress response. he called this pattern the General Adaptation SYndrome or GAS.

GAS has 3 stages: the first stage is alarm, where any stressful event is registered , this can be from the outside or any physical stress such as an injury or illness. the hypothalamus pituitary gland secretes a surge of atch, which in turn releases corticosteroids from the adrenal cortex. while the sympathetic ANS activates and leads to increased adrenaline and noradrenaline from the adrenal medulla.

the energy expendenture is ready, the second stage is resistance, where the body can now apparently cope with the stressor

the third stage is exhaution, where if the stressor is chronic or long lasting, this is a bad sign as hormone reserves are induced and this may lead to stress related illness.

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stress in the work place

'outline fingings of research into stress in the work place' (6marks)

a study by johnsson at al (1976)

findings showed the high risk of 14 group finishers secreted more stress hormones (adrenaline and noradrenaline) on work days than on rest days and higher levels than the control group.

the high risk group of finishers also showed significantly higher levels of stress related illnesses such as headaches and higher levels of abscenteeism than the low risk group of cleaners.

marmot et la (1991): findings showed that people with low job control (type and amount of work decided by other) were four times more likel to die of heart disease thatn those with high job control. job control and illness were negativley correlated: as job control decreased, the chances of stress related illness increased.

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