Further Biology/GCSE PE

This set of cards is useful to both Biology B7 and to GCSE PE. They cover respiration and blood in very general terms. Please rate this resource and feel free to leave comments for additions or changes.

  • Created by: Kimmy365
  • Created on: 17-04-08 12:01


Respiration is the bodies process of releasing energy into the body from Glucose

There are two types of respiration: aerobic and anaerobic

Aerobic Respiration requires oxygen and produces more energy per glucose molecule. eg. A marathon runner would be working aerobically after the initial 90seconds of the race.

Anaerobic Respiration doesnt need oxygen to convert glucose into energy, however it produces the harmful bi-product of lactic acid which forms in muscles and makes it harder to run.

Glucose+oxygen=carbon dioxide+water+energy

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Respiration 2

All muscles in the body need energy to contract and move. This means that when the muscles are being used more, more energy is required so the respiration rate increases.

When your respiration rate increases

  • Your breathing rate increases (gets more oxygen into the blood)
  • Your heart rate increases (pumps oxygenated blood and energy round the body faster)

Glucose = Lactic acid + energy

If your body works anaerobically, you will get an oxygen debt which is why you always breath heavily after exercise! The oxygen breaks down the lactic acid after you have stopped exercising.

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Blood is made up of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma

Red blood cells- Is made up of heamoglobin and transports oxygen round the body

White Blood Cells- Specialised cells that fight infections for bacteria, fungus or viruses

Platelets- Cells that form a clot if the skin is cut (AKA scab over a cut)

Plasma- The liquid that makes up the blood and carries everything around.

Also in the bloodare nutrients and carbon dioxide being transported out of the body.

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