Functionalists theories on Crime and Deviance




  • Crime is inevitable and universal and a crime free society is contradictory in all terms.
  • Crime is a result of a lack of effective socialisation.
  • Tendency towards anomie - rules are weaker, modern society is now more complex for example gender roles and diversity - culture that is shared weakens and subcultures form
  • Subcultures create own norms and values that don't comply with mainstream norms and values.
  • Just the right amount of crime allows society to function smoothly and teaches society valuable lessons.
  • There are 2 main positive functions of crime.

 1. Boundary maintenance - crime produces a collective agreement on whats tight and wrong              leading to condemnation of the wrongdoer.

 2. Adaptation and change - 'All change starts with an act of defiance' - must allow for individuals        to challenge existing norms to ensure a diverse society.

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  • Strain theory - Individuals engage in deviant behaviour when they are unable to reach their goals by legitimate means
  • Deviants choose to gain status and worth through illegitimate means and deviant acts.
  • Deviance is a result of the strain between 2 things:
  • 1. The goals that our culture encourages us to achieve 2. What the structure of society allows us to achieve legitimately.
  • Structural factors: Societies unequal oppurtunity structure
  • Cultural factors: The strong emphasis on success and weaker emphasis.
  • 'American dream' ideology links to the strong emphasis on the goal but the reality is much different. Disadvantaged groups are denied oppurtunities to achieve.
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Other functions of crime and deviance according to


'Prostitution acts as a safety valve for men's sexual frustration without threatening the monogamous nuclear family.'


'*********** safely channels a variety of sexual desires away from adultery which poses a greater threat to the family.'


'Truancy trends tells policy makers that the education system is not functioning properly so they need to make changes.'

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