Forces at Work

Forces at Work

  • Created by: Aceson
  • Created on: 07-09-12 14:15

Forces at Work

The turning effect of force is also called the moment of force.

Factors affecting moments of a force:
1. Size of force
2. Perpendicular distance of the force from the turning point.

Moment of the force= Force x Perpendicular Distance (Nm)

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First Class Levers: E - F - L
Fulcrum is at the middle of the effort and load
Examples: Scissors, Pliers, Claw Hammer

Second Class Levers: F - L - E
Load is at the middle of the fulcrum and effort
Examples: Wheelbarrow, Nutcracker, Bottle Opener 

Third Class Levers: F - E - L
Effort is at the middle of the fulcrum and load
Examples: Fishing Rod, Stapler, Broom

Levers in the body:
1. Arm (3rd)
2. Feet (2nd)

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Work Done

Work is the use of force to move an object

Work is done when:
1. Force is applied and the object moves as the same direction of the applied force

The amount of work done depends on:
1. Size of force applied
2. Distance moved by the object in the direction of the applied force

Work Done= Force x Distance Moved (J)
Joule (J)

Energy is the ability for the body to do work
Work Done (J) = Energy Used (J) 

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