Fluid Mechanics in Physical Activity

  • Created by: T - raffe
  • Created on: 07-12-16 12:25

Fluid Friction/ Air Reistance/ Drag

Fluid Mechanics = study of objects that TRAVEL THROUGH a FLUID (liquid/gas)

Minimising AR/ Fluid Friction MAXIMISES VELOCITY

Fluid Friction = OPPOSES MOTION through fluids which INHIBITS VELOCITY

Factors affecting AR/ Fluid Friction/ Drag:

  • VELOCITY - High velocity = High AR
  • Frontal cross-sectional AREA - High Area = High AR
  • SURFACE - Rough = High AR
  • TEMP - High Temp (low density) = Low AR
  • ALTITUDE - High Altitiude (low density) = Low AR
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  • Streamlining creates a SMOOTHER AIR FLOW around an object by REDUCING the bodies frontal cross-sectional AREA
  • AEROFOIL = most streamlined shape with a curved upper surface & flat under surface
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  • Body launched into the AIR subjected to WEIGHT and AR forces
  • NOT affected by FRICTION and REACTION forces
  • Flight path = affected by WEIGHT of object & amount of AR experienced

PARABOLA = UNIFORM curve that is SYMMETRICAL about its highest point

  • W > AR = PARABOLIC (E.g. Shot put)
  • AR > W = NON - PARABOLIC (E.g. Shuttlecock)

AR becomes dominant when:

  • Large Frontal cross-sectional AREA
  • ROUGH surface
  • LOW mass
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Forces acting on a Projectile in flight

  • Direction of motion = reflects Parabolic or Non-Parabolic nature
  • AR OPPOSES motion & acts from the COM
  • Weight acts DOWNWARDS from COM

GREATER velocity, area & roughness = High AR

(E.g. Shuttlecock = HIGH velocity & roughness with LOW wieght)


(E.g. Shot put = HIGH weight with LOW velocity, area & roughness)

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Parallelogram of Forces

  • Calculates the NET force acting on body in FLIGHT
  • Net Force = SUM of all FORCES acting on a body
  • Net Force represents ACCELERATION of a body & in which DIRECTION

If Net Force arrow is CLOSER to WEIGHT = W > AR (Parabolic flight path)

If Net Force arrow is CLOSER to AR = AR > W (Non-Parabolic fight path)

In drawing inlude:

  • DIRECTION of motion
  • AR OPPOSES motion from COM
  • Weight acts DOWNWARDS from COM
  • Use dotted line to complete diagram
  • SOLID DIAGONAL arrow represents Net Force
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Lift Force & Bernoulli Principle

Lift Force = acts PERPENDICULAR to the DIRECTION of travel of an object in a fluid

Angle of Attack = angle at which a projectile is TILTED from the HORIZONTAL

                         = most lift force occurs at 17 DEGREES

Bernoulli Principle = molecules in a fluid exerts LESS pressure the FASTER they travel

                              = molecule in a fluid exerts MORE pressure the SLOWER they travel

How does it work?

  • Lift force is present when projectiles adopt an AEROFOIL shape
  • ANGLE of attack affects the SIZE of the LIFT force
  • GREATER the ANGLE = GREATER LIFT force (until 17 DEGREES)
  • Air will travel FURTHER over the object
  • Air travel at a HIGH VELOCITY to combat distance
  • Creates area of LOW PRESSURE above the object
  • Creates PRESSURE GRADIENT = LIFT force (object travels FURTHER in air)
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