Family Diversity: Social Class, Ethnicity & Sexuality

  • Created by: iiStevey
  • Created on: 21-05-19 19:27

Working Class


  • Working Class / Poverty Stricken families are more likely to be disadvantaged in family diversity as they can't afford to bring up children effectively.
  • This is due to lack of resources such as income, housing and access to leisure activities.
  • More likely to have inefficient socialisation even if in nuclear setting.


  • Class is irrelevant when looking at family diversity when ideas such as social mobility exist - can better themselves.
  • Also most parents in poverty are resilliant and have strong coping skils so will effectively bring up their children in the best way possible.
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Middle Class


  • Middle class parents are able to provide a range of resources to support children especially in skill development and education.
  • This support helps middle class families progress further and not be hindered with stigma and negative attitudes toward their children.


  • Isn't true for working class and the middle class is only a minority.
  • Working class parents are reluctant to have children diagonised and provide proper resources due to limitations in fianances.
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Same Sex Families


  • Diversity has improved for these family types as these households are apart of freedom of choice and they don't need to follow norms.
  • Can negotiate the family and roles which eliminates traditional ideas of separate roles and the nuclear family.
  • Also avoids exploitation of a relationship in terms


  • Although diversity has occured, these family types aren't as popular compared to the likes of a nuclear family e.g. only 69,000 copuples are in the same sex setting.
  • Some individuals still don't believe in same sex relationships showing that acceptance isn't fully happening. 
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Black African & Caribbean


  • In many Afro/Caribbean households, the nuclear family is the norm but there is also a strong influence from mother centred families which are often lone parent headed by women.
  • This tradition is often seen influenced in UK households with higher rates of lone parents in this ethncitity which reflects the female independance tradition.


  • These statistics can be misleading because many are actually extended families as the older brothers and sisters within the family often support the lone mother.
  • Also, many lone mothers will find a partner who acts as the traditional male role model.
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  • Asian families are focused around traditional ideas on gender and family diversity but with a preferance for large multi-generational households based around a man and his sons.
  • Traditional gender roles with men being the main wage earners and women focused on work in the doemstic sphere.


  • Now a focus towards more nuclear families rather than extended families plus Asian families are now looking for less restrictions of choice of marriage partners.
  • Also, evidence for other family types in Asian family times such as lone parent.
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