F321.2: Atomic Structure

Cards which contain all the definitions, and some explanations, for Unit 1.2, Atomic Structure.


Atomic Number

The number of protons in an atom

1 of 10

Mass Number

The sum of protons and neutrons in an atom

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Atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.

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Relative Isotopic Mass

The mass of an atom of an isotope compared with carbon-12 which has a mass of 12.

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Relative Atomic Mass (Ar)

The average mass of an atom of an element compared with carbon-12, which has a mass of 12.

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Relative Molecular Mass (Mr)

The average mass of a molecule compared with carbon-12 which has a mass of 12.

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Relative Formula Mass

The average mass of a formula unit of a compound compared with carbon-12, which has a mass of 12.

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1st Ionisation Energy

The energy required to remove 1 mole of electrons from 1 mole of gaseous atoms.

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2nd Ionisation Energy

The energy required to remove 1 mole of electrons from one mole of singly positive gaseous ions. 

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A volume of space with a high probability of finding up to two electrons of opposite spin.

10 of 10


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