surfaces and charting


surfaces of lower teeth

8 7 6 5 4  3 2 1  1 2 3  4 5 6 7 8         e d c b a  a b c d e

8 7 6 5 4  3 2 1  1 2 3  4 5 6 7 8         e d c b a  a b c d e

8-4 are prosteria teeth.   3-1 are anteria teeth,    the midline is between the 1's.

the bottom anterior teeth have the surfaces; lingual, labial, mesial, distal and incisal. the lingual surfaces is at the back of the tooth, labial is at the front, the distal surface is the side of the tooth furthest away from mid line, mesial surface is the side closest to the midline, finally the incisal is the top of the teeth.

The bottom prosteria teeth have the surfaces; occlusal, lingual, buccal, mesial, distal. the occlusal surface is the biting surface, lingual is at the back facing tongue, buccal is at the front facing cheek, mesial is nearest midline, distal is furthest from midline.

1- central incisor  2-lateral incisor  3-canine  4- first premolar  5- second premolar  6-first molar  7- second molar  8- third molar/wysdom tooth

baby teeth are diciduous teeth;  a- cental incisor  b- laterial incisor  c- canine  d- first molar  e- second molar

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surfaces of upper teeth

the upper anteria teeth you have; labiel, palatal, distal, mesial and incisal. labiel is at the front facing the lips, palatal is at the back facing plate of mouth, distal is furthest away from mid line and mesial is the clostest to mid line and incisal is the biting surface of the tooth. 

the upper prosteria teeth have the surfaces; occlusal, palatal, buccal, mesial and distal. occlusal is the biting surface of the tooth, palatal is at the back facing the palate of the mouth, mesial is the side clostest to the midline and distal is the side urthest from the mid line. 

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palmer and fdi

Zsigmondy-Palmer Notation- uses upper and lower and a number, an example would be ul1 (upper left central incisor) for a child it would be ula 

federation dentaire international notation (FDI)- this system uses two digits, the first digit tells you the quadrant and the second tells you the tooth.

for adult teeth (Permanent detition) you have: 1 2 3 4, 1 is upper right, 2 is upper left, 3 is lower left and 4 is lower right. an example would be 36 (lower left first molar)

for child teeth (deciduous teeth) you have 5 6 7 8, 5 is upper right, 6 is upper left, 7 is lower left, and 8 is lower right. example would be 83 (lower right canine)

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