exam 313


teeth functions

  • cut up and chew (masticate) food
  • support oral soft tissues and enable clear speech 
  • expose food surfaces to enzymes and allow disgestion 
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structure of tooth

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forms bulk of crown and root, composed of hollow tubes

secondary detine- repair normal detine by replacing with secondary detine

fibrils- run from nerves tissue to brain 

80% in-organic tissue (non-living)

hollow structure allows normal chewing forces without breaking tooth but cn cause tooth decay to develop quicker

odontoblasts form dentine 

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formed by cementoblasts 

thickness depends on size of root

65% minerlised with calcium hydroxyapatite crystals 

does't contain nerves or blood vessels 

protects root and lies beneath gingiva 

thin calcified covering root dentine

recieves nutrients from periodontal ligament 

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pulp tissues enter tooth through apical foramen next to root apex

chamber lined with odontoblast cells that form dentine 

made of soft tissue

sensory nerves are end sections of trigeminal nere as inferior or superior nerve

contains no mineral crystals

allows tooth t feel hot, cold, touch and pain

can become blocked by pulp stones- lumps of calcium containing crystals

point where cementum + root dentine are incontcat with each other called- dentiocemeal junction 

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excessive force when brushing exposes dentine 

highly classified covers whole crown 

hardest substance in body 

food help- milk and cheese// harm enamel- coffee, sugar, citrus, soda 

saliva strengthens/protects enamel

enamel erosion is irriversible

contains no nerves or blood vessels

enamel formed before eruption 

arranged in prisms called interprimatic substances

96% mineral crystals- inorganic

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swelling caused by drugs for epilepsy and high blood pressure- hyperplastic 

gingiva- gums 

ginivitis- inflammation of gums, red and swollen

healty gingiva pink, stippled surface

gingival crevice- shallow space less than 3mm between tooth surface + gingival margin 

natural mound of gingival tissue occurs between each tooth "interdental papilla"

specialised tissue in oral cavity attached to alveolar bone as mucoperiosteal layer of tissue

fit around neck of tooth 

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alveolar bone

periodontal ligament 


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alveolar bone

maxilla and mandible contain horseshoe- shaped ridge called alveolar process 

teeth form here during growth of foetus before erupting in mouth at different ages 

bone found in jaws 

outer layer made of hard compact bone, surface called lamina dura 

inner layer called cancellous (spongy), allows passage of nerves and blood vessels that supply jaws, teeth and surrounding oral tissues 

bone supports teeth and resorbs away when teeth extracited or lost 

teeth line with individual sockets in bone, lined with lamina dura 

outer surface covered in alveolar mucosa 

descruction of bone happens in periodontal disease

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periodontal ligament

specialised fibrous tissue attaches to teeth to alveolar bone and gingivae

shock absober during chewing , prevents fracture and pain 

fibres made up of protein called collagen 

runs in different directions 

inflammation of periodontal ligament called periodontitis and happens during periodontal disease

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