English language terminology

Most of the terminology that students need to know for the exam and course work

  • Created by: Olivia
  • Created on: 24-04-12 18:56

Sentence moods

Declarative; when the sentence is declaring someone for example

"I love cheese"

Exclamative; a sentence that should start with 'how' and end in a ! But just ending in a ! Is accepted for example;

"how amazing" OR "that roller coaster was brilliant!"

Imperative; a sentence that starts with a verb for example;

"revise for your English exam"

Interrogative; a question for example;

"how are you today?"

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Proper nouns- refer to specific people and places. Usually written with a capital letter. For example- "Helen, Cheddar, Spain."


Concrete nouns- refer to physical things. Things that can be touched and measured. For example- "book, pineapple"

Abstract noun- refer to ideas processes, occasions, times and qualities but they cat be touched or seen. For example- "love, happiness"

Collective nouns- refer to groups of people, objects or animals. For example- "flock, team, litter of kittens"

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There are two types of adjectives (describing words) and are usually placed in front of a noun they are describing but sometimes appear after it;

If the adjective is placed before the noun it is known as a pre- modifying adjective.

Comparatives- most comparatives are formed by adding er to the adjectives.
For example; hotter, bigger
Comparatives can also start with more
For example; more expensive

Superlatives- most superlatives are formed by adding est to the adjectives.
For example; hottest, biggest
Superlatives can also start with most
For example; most expensive

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Possessive:- mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs. An example of possessive pronouns in a sentence is, "The white car is MINE"

Reflexive:- myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, oneself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves. An example of reflexive pronouns in a sentence is, "he injured HIMSELF playing football".

Reciprocal:- each other, one another. An example of a reciprocal pronouns in a sentence is. "they really hate EACH OTHER"

Demonstrative:- this, that, these, those. An example of a demonstrative pronoun in a sentence is. "THIS is a new car"

Interrogative:- who, what, why, where, when, whatever. An example of a interrogative pronoun in a sentence is. WHAT did he say to you?

Indefinite:- anything, anybody, anyone, something, somebody, someone, nothing, nobody, none, no one. An example of a indefinite pronoun in a sentence is "there's SOMETHING in my shoe"

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