English Paper 1 steps. (Q1-Q4)



  • 1hr 45mins
  • 80 marks
  • Section A=Reading-4 questions (covered by these cards.) 
  • Section B=Writing question, Half of the marks in this paper. (40/80) Same theme as the source.
  • 1 source to read before you answer any questions.
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Q1 steps

5 mins to

  • Read the question carefully and underline key words (line numbers/focus).
  • Draw a box around the section in the source that you are directed to (the line numbers you had to underline at the start).
  • Skim-read the part of the source that you have drawn a box around and underline all of the facts that relate to the focus of the question.
  • Select the best 4 facts that you have underlined.
  • Write out each fact on the lines provided. They must be in full sentences and they have to start with either a pronoun or the focus word of the question. You can only have one fact per sentence.
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Q2 steps

12 mins to

  • Read the question and underline the line numbers and focus.
  • Cross out the "Sentence Types" bullet point. This makes it easier to answer the question because sentence types are really hard to write about.
  • You will have noticed by now that there is a part of the source re-printed at the the top of the page with this question on. Re-read this section of the text and underline anything that relates to the question focus, but preferably single words and/or short phrases since they can be easier to write about.
  • Select 3 and brainstorm ideas about the meaning/s and connotations of each word/short phrase.
  • Use these ideas to write a paragraph about each quotation explaining how it is used by the writer to support the focus idea. 
    • To push yourself, include an alternative, using subject terminology.
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Q3 steps

12 mins to

  • Read the question, including the bullet points.
  • Skim read the opening paragraph and decide what the writer is focusing on at this point. (Are they focusing on weather, character, time, an object or zooming in?)
  • Skim read the ending paragraph of the source. What is the writer's focus on here? Is it similar/different to the focus in the opening paragraph?
  • Write 2 paragraphs with the structre below.
    • Where in the text?
    • What is the writer focusing our attention on?
    • Why are they focusing our attention on this?
    • How does it affect the reader?
    • How does it mirror/contrast with the other paragraph that you are talking about?
      • REMEMBER:The writer is like a film director: as the reader, we only see what the writer wants us to see. What does the writer want us to see at these points in the story?
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Q4 steps

20 mins to

  • Read the question, including the statement, and underline the focus of  the question/statement and the line numbers.
  • Draw a box around the lines in the source that you are asked to focus on. 
  • Underline anything that supports the statement. (IMPORTANT:The statement tells us something that the writer is trying to acheive in the source. You must agree with this statement and find evidence to support it.) If it is possible, go for quotations in that part of the source that you have used to answer Q2 and Q3.
  • Select the best 4 quotations that you have underlined and brainstorm ideas relating to the meaning and connotations of the quotation.
  • Write a Point, Evidence, Technique, Explain, Examine, Explore and Reader reaction (PETEEER) paragraph about each quotation. Make sure to put an evaluative word in the opening sentence of each paragraph.
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