

Signs and Symptoms- Dyslexia

  • Read and write very slowly 
  • Confuse the order of letters and words
  • Put letters the wrong way round, such as 'b' instead of 'd' 
  • Have poor or inconsistent spelling 
  • Understand information when told verbally but have difficulty with information that is written down
  • Find it hard to carry out a sequence of directions
  • Struggle with planning and organisation
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Diagnostic tools for diagnosis- Dyslexia

  • If a child or young person needs an assessment in school, college or university it is usually carried out by a qualified soecialist teacher who has an Assessment Practising Certificate. 
  • An asessment is carried out by a chartered psychologist if an individual has left education or is working; this is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council. 
  • The assessment for dyslexia normally covers literacy and numeracy as well as memory and processing skills. 
  • Another sign of dyslexia is poor organisation skills.
  • Further tests may be needed as it can be difficult to determine the level of support that is needed.
  • Using the information, strategies can be put into place.  
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