drugs in sport



  • are substances that affect the normal physiological and psychological functioning of the body.
  • performance-enhancing and recreational drugs.
  • all have side effects - mental (being addicted) to physical insomnia and high blood pressure
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Performance-enhancing drugs:

improve a person's performance in training/competition

some are socially acceptable (legal) or socially unacceptable (illegal)

people take it to recover from injury quickly/train harder/gain advantage etc.

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Anabolic steroids:

drugs that mimic the male sex hormone testosterone and promote bone and muscle growth.

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Beta blockers:

drugs that are used to control heart rate and that have a calming and relaxing effect

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drugs that elevate the rate of bodily urine excretion

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Narcotic analgesics:

drugs that can be used to reduce the feeling of pain

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drugs that have an effect on the central nervous system, such as increased mental and/or physical alertness

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Human growth hormone (HGH):

helps recover from injury quicker

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a type of peptide hormone that increases the red blood cell count

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Recreational drugs:

caffeine - tea and coffee

nicotine - cigarettes

ethanol - alcohol

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Smoking and its effect on sports performance:

damages cardiovascular system (carbon monoxide)

high blood pressure

negative effect on aerobic fitness

nicotine is the effective drug

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Different body types, optimum weight and weight re

Endomorph (fatness) - sumo wrestlers, discus

Ectomorph (thin) - gymnasts

Mesomorph (muscularity) - swimmers

team sports require a different selection of somatotypes

can be changed by changing diet

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Really like that the key phrases to test yourself on are pre-selected so that they're the important ones

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