Outline clinical characteristcs of schizophrenia

  • Created by: rachel247
  • Created on: 25-02-15 09:50

A01: Diagnosis of Schizophrenia (1)

1. the prevelance of schizophrenia is about 1% in the population aged over 18

2. the Diagnostic statistical manual (DSM) specifies signs of disturbance must be present for at least 6 months

3. the International classification of disease (ICD) requires the major symptoms to be present for at least a month

4. In the ICD to be diagnosed patients must have at least one symptom under catergory 1 and two symptoms under catergory 2

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A01: Diagnosis of Schizophrenia (2)

Category 1

a) thought echo, insertion, withdrawel or broadcast

b) delusion of control, influence or passivity, delusional percepcions

c) Hallucinatory voices: running commentry, discussion of patients, or coming from another part of the body

d) Persitent delusions (false beliefs) that are culturally inappropriate or impossible

Catergory 2

a) persistent hallucinations in any form: auditory, visual, olfactory

b) Neologism (new words - nonsense words), breaks train of thought or irrelevant speech

c) Catatonic behaviour - debilitating physical effects eg rigidity of limbs

d) Negative symptoms - apathy  (no interest), paucity of speech, emotional blunting/flat effect

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A01: Cause of the disorder of Schizophrenia

  • Patients usually get diagnosed with schizophrenia (generally) between the late teens and early adult life
  • Both men and women are equally effected. Although, peak age of diagnosis is 5-10 years later for women
  • Schizophrenics have normal periods of functioning with periods of psychotic disturbance
  • Schizophrenics usually experience symptoms after a few weeks/months of changing behaviour. These include: low mood, anxiety difficulties in relationships and concentration
  • the psychotic phase lasts between 1-6 months and in extreme cases up to a year
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