Classification key facts



Cell wall present (made of cellulose)

Multicellular Carry out photosynthesis- use light energy to convert simple inorganic molecules (e.g water and carbon dioxide) into complex compounds

Contain chloroplast Store carbohydrates as starch

Examples: Beans, Peas, Maize

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Don't have a cell wall


Do not contain chlorophyll

Have a nervous system for co-ordination

Store carbohydrate as glycogen

Eat other organisms for energy

Examples: Humans (Mammals), Houseflies (Insects)

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Have a cell wall (made of chitin)

Are both multicellular and unicellular

Multicellular fungi made up of mycelium- network of threat structures (hyphae)

Many fungi act as decomposers

Eat other organisms for energy- saprotrophic nutrition: secrete enzymes which digest food outside cells, then absorb digested product

Examples: Mucor (has hyphae structure e.g multicellular), Yeast (unicellular)

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Cell wall found in some protocists

Are both multicellular and unicellular

Some cause disease (e.g Plasmodium causes malaria)

Gets energy through photosynthesis to survive

Examples: Amoeba (live in pond water and are more like animal cells), Chlorella (have chloroplast and are more like plant cells), Plasmodium (pathogenic and causes Malaria)

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Don't have a cell wall

Are not multicellular or unicellular as aren't made from cells (steal from host cell)

Are parasites

Can only reproduce inside a living cell

Have core of genic material surrounded by a protein coat

Contain either DNA or RNA

Each virus causes a specific disease in the particular organism it is adapted to infect

Do not feed on anything as they are not alive

Examples: HIV virus (causes aids), Influenza virus (causes flu)

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Some contain a cell wall (made of a complex chemical)


Have complex cell wall made up of proteins and polysaccharides

Don't have a nucleus (have DNA circles called plasmids instead of chromosome loop)

Some have flagelium (e.g tails) for movement

Feed off dead or other living organisisms

Examples: Lactobacillus bulgarius (invloved in production of yoghurt), Pneumococcus (causes Pneumonia)

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