Christianity Topic 1

  • Created by: Christina
  • Created on: 16-05-13 17:05

Pre-marital sex

Permit it because

Quakers will allow it because they argue that love (agape) is the core teaching of Christianity therefore the quality of the relationship is the most important. Church of England will permit it only if it is a prelude to getting married. 

Against it because

 The Catechism of the Catholic Church rejects all sexual acts outside marriage, it constitutes grave sin. Only family is the best place to bring up children. ‘Flee from sexual immorality.’

Own Opinion

I think that it is acceptable as long as the two couples are totally committed to each other and are prepared to marry. They also need to avoid having children because it will be bad for the children to grow up in an unstable environment. 

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Jesus has taught forgiveness by the women caught in the adultery; therefore Christians should be able to forgive each other. Some feel marriage is for life but it is against Jesus’s will to force two people with no love together. It is right to change the rules as the society changes. Only orthodox give religious divorce.


'Therefore what God has joined together let no one separate.’ Vows made in front of God so cannot be broken. The ring symbolises the everlasting commitment. Roman Catholic Church will help to fix a marriage but not divorce, only separation; sacrament of marriage binds two people together. ‘one flesh’

Own Opinion

People should be allowed to start a new life if they don’t suit each other because it ends conflicts. However, children should be taken into account when divorce takes place.

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Jesus also taught the importance of forgiveness. May not be able to marry in the same church.


Making vows that have broken again. Catholic will not permit it.


Should be allowed to start a new life but have to sort out any problems to make sure that divorce will not take place again.

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Some accept the fact that some people may want to reduce the size of family because of finance, mother’s health or give undivided attention to children.


Roman Catholic rejects artificial birth control because sex is given to the couple by God to have babies, but natural rhythm method is allowed. Marriage is to have babies so no sterilisation.


It should be allowed because it can prevent the STDs and unwanted pregnancies. If there are too many children in a family then some may feel unwanted because the attention is not equally spared. 

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Civil partnership


Quakers will allow it because they argue that love is the core teaching of Christianity therefore the quality of the relationship is the most important. It is right to change the rules as the society changes.


Do you know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of the God? Neither the sexually immoral… nor homosexual offenders.’  Sexual act only belong within marriage. A Roman Catholic Pope states that it is a greater problem than climate change.


Not totally against but there are problems with it: insecurity, sexually unsafe and an unstable environment for children.

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