Christian Values


Making Moral Decisions

All people have a conscience.

A conscience is a person's sense of right from wrong. For Christians, it is linked to God.

Human beings have dignity because human life is sacred.

The RC teaches that the conscience is a powerful voice or law deep within a person which connects God's moral truth with our instincts.

Human sin can lead conscience astray. Humans have a natural weakness called Orignial Sin. This tendancy is inherited from the sin of Adam and Eve.

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Virtues and the gifts and fruits of the Spirit

Virtue is the power of doing good.

Cardinal Virtues are sometimes referred to as human or moral virtues as they can be discovered through human reason. They are: prudence, justice, power, temperance.

Theological Virtues come from St Paul's teachings and connect human beings with God. These are: faith, hope and love.

The virtues are completed by the gifts of the Spirit recieved at baptism. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit recieved at baptism are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety (worshipping God) and respect.

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What are the Ten Commandments?

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The commandments 1-3 are about loving God.

The commandments 4-10 are about loving your neighbour.

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The beatitudes

The beatitudes are a route to eternal happiness.

Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth:

This refers to those who are humble and gentle and do not put themselves before others. The recognise the need to put others (including God) before themselves.

Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy:

God is merciful, so being mericful is being God-like. Showing mercy is showing love and forgiveness. Showing mercy is a big step.

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