Properties of Life

  • Created by: alexauong
  • Created on: 27-06-20 05:50

Characteristics of Life


METABOLISM - sum of all chemical reactions 

RESPONSE TO STIMULUS which is anything that can be detected and bring about a response 

1. TROPISM - response with direction ex: geotropism - gravity, phototropism - light

  • POSITIVE TROPISM - toward the stimulus 
  • NEGATIVE TROPISM - away from stimulus 

2. NASTIC RESPONSE - response with no direction ex: makahiya, venus fly-trap 

 REPRODUCTION - production of new offspring 

1. SEXUAL - genetically diverse, with partner, slow 

2. ASEXUAL - genetically conserved, without partner, fast 

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Characteristics of Life II

HOMEOSTASIS - internal balance 


atom -> molecule -> organelle -> cell -> tissue -> organ -> organ system -> organism


EVOLUTION - changes over several generations 

VIRUS - non-living organism: 

(1) requires a host to reproduce 

(2) Genetic material only without cells of their own 

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Chemical Basis of Life: Chemical Bonds

1. INTRAMOLECULAR BONDS - between atoms; strong 

(1) IONIC BOND - transfer of electrons 

(2) COVALENT BOND - sharing of electrons 

2. INTERMOLECULAR BONDS - between molecules; weak 

(1) DIPOLE-DIPOLE BONDS - molecules have polar covalent bonds holding their atoms 


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Chemical Basis of Life: Essential Elements

1. MAJOR ELEMENTS - most important: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen (CHON) 

2. TRACE ELEMENTS - needed in small amounts 

3. VITAMINS - essential for growth 

(1) WATER-SOLUBLE - ends in -in, -ine, acid

ex: Vitamins B and C

(2) LIPID-SOLUBLE - ends in -ol 

ex: Vitamins A, D, E, K

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Chemical Basis of Life: Macromolecules

1. CARBOHYDRATES - Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen 

Building Block: MONOSACCHARIDE - 1 glucose 


  • Maltose (Glu2)     = Glucose + Glucose
  • Sucrose (GFS)    = Glucose + Fructose 
  • Lactose (GluGal) = Glucose + Galactose 

2. LIPIDS - Hydrocarbon tails 

Building Block: GLYCEROL + 3 FATTY ACIDS 

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Chemical Basis of Life: Macromolecules II

(1) SATURATED FATS - solid at room temp; animals; bad 

(2) UNSATURATED FATS - liquid at room temp; plants; good 

(3) TRANS FATS - H + Unsaturated Fats = More Solid; very bad 

3. PROTEINS - Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen 

- build and repair tissues

Building Block: AMINO ACIDS 

4. NUCLEIC ACID - Pentose Sugar + Nitrogenous Basess + Phosphate Groups 

Building Block: NUCLEOTIDE 

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Chemical Basis of Life: Macromolecules III

Nitrogenous Base:

  • PURINE - Adenine, Guanine 
  • PYRIMIDINE - Thymine/ Uracil, Cytosine 

(1) RIBONUCLEIC ACID (RNA) - ribose, single-strand; A-U, C-G

(2) DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA) - deoxyribose; double-strand; A-T, C-G 

DNA Strand Pairing:

5' - CCATATG - 3'

3' - GGTATAC - 5'

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Chemical Basis of Life: Properties of Water

Over 70% o four bodies are made up of H2O

1. POLARITY - partially negative and partially positive sides = good solvent 

2. COHESION - attraction of same molecules; thus, liquid at room temperature 

  • ADHESION - attraction of different molecules 

3. SURFACE TENSION - cohesion at the surface 

4. HIGH SPECIFIC HEAT - resist temperature change 

5. HIGH LATENT HEAT OF VAPORIZATION -resist changing from L-> G, G->L 

6. HIGH LATENT HEAT OF FUSION - resist changing from S->L, L->S

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